Hello, again, 'tis Hannah! Long time no see. While we've been gone, the art projects have been building up unblogged about, and time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' by since the blog was attended (that was a 70s/80s reference... Fly Like An Eagle by the Steve Miller Band).
Suddenly, out of the blue, while we were fiddling around with our personal life, someone awarded The Sunshine Award to our blog!
Because we are shiny. I guess.
The rules for the Sunshine Award:
- Thank the person who nominated you
- Answer the questions they asked you on your respective blog
- Nominate another batch of bloggers (eleven being the standard)
- Question them (evil chuckle)
- Notify them that they have been nominated
- And post the award image on your blog

Ajax Cochrane of 21st Century Renaissance Man
(cue opera singing at full volume)
Check one. I like to do things big hereabouts.
Here are your questions:
Do you prefer cats or dogs? Cats. They're clean, smell
What is your favorite outside activity? Walking around. Taking movies. Carving snow sculptures. I don't do sports, and I don't much care for outside work. Walking around outside gives me a chance for some quiet time. Update: Swimming and inner-tubing behind a pontoon boat on the lake are also enjoyable for me. No oceans 'round here, or I'd consider surfing.
If you got to meet one of the presidents, who would it be? Ronald Reagan would be my first choice. I've met his personal secretary (from after he was in office), and I heard that he was God-fearing, Constitution-believing, upstanding man. If not him, then George Washington. Then I might be able to tell people first-hand exactly how the Founding Fathers intended this country to be.
What is your favorite fantasy series? Aw, dang. That's tough. I'd have to say The Chronicles of Narnia.
If you had been Peter Jackson, would you have changed the name of the last Hobbit movie to “The Battle of Five Armies” or stayed with “There and Back Again”? Definitely would have kept it as "There and Back Again". That is such a poetic title, and it couldn't have been better if I had thought it up myself.
What is your favorite time of the day? I'm tempted to say whenever I'm asleep. But apart from that, 6:00 to 8:00 PM. That's when the light is most beautiful outside, and in the spring it's right before sunset, just past that super-hot time and into the cool, shady, loverly atmosphere before dark. I believe that's around the time photographers call the magic or golden hour.
Are you from the North or the South? South, my whole life. *sprinkles Tony Chachere's everywhere*
Who is your favorite character in Pride and Prejudice? No clue, never read/watched it. My dad prefers us to avoid the chick flicks for at least awhile longer.
Are you homeschooled, public schooled, or graduated? Homeschooled, but graduated-ish. I'm not old enough to graduate yet, but pretty much all my schoolwork is done. I guess the last thing I need to do is get my driver's license and do the GED. Not too excited for either of those.
Any plans for college? I'm not doing college. As I told someone recently, my whole life has been Home Economics. And I just finished my early morning "Botany" class for the day.
What is the last thing you were doing before you began answering the questions? Sprinkling Perlite on the Manhattan Euonymus and Arborvitae in our family nursery. See? Botany.
Sarah also wanted to answer the questions, so I'm turning the mic over to her.
Do you prefer cats or dogs? Oh, cats, quite a bit, although they're are several species in the dog family that I'm particularly fond of even though we don't have any dogs.
What is your favorite outside activity? Probably swimming. But I can already think of a couple other activities that might top that.
If you got to meet one of the presidents, who would it be? I'd probably have to say Ronald Reagan because I'm not really... politically-minded and Hannah has some pretty good reasons for why she'd want to meet him.
What is your favorite fantasy series? Wow. There are just so many awesome ones. The best one I can think of at the moment is the Twelve Dancing Princesses series by Jessica Day George.
If you had been Peter Jackson, would you have changed the name of the last Hobbit movie to “The Battle of Five Armies” or stayed with “There and Back Again”? Oh, conundrum. I don't know, "The Battle of Five Armies" sorta spoils it for those who haven't read the book, but "There and Back Again" is a bit vague, and yet it's an actual alternate name for the book, though I still don't know how big a part The Battle of Five Armies is going to be in the movie. So I suppose if The Battle of Five Armies was going to be a huge part of the movie, I'd choose that title, but if it isn't, I think that the original one is appropriate.
What is your favorite time of the day? Afternoon. Between about 3:00 and 8:00 I think.
Are you from the North or the South? South, I assume because I've always lived with my sister.
Who is your favorite character in Pride and Prejudice? I don't know, never read it or seen it.
Are you homeschooled, public schooled, or graduated? Homeshooled.
Any plans for college? I'm not going either. So, no, no plans.
What is the last thing you were doing before you began answering the questions? Eating Chicken Divan.
Let this award make us feel guilty about abandoning our blog and steer us away from tergiversation and general faithlessness.
Now to nominate
Siani Delaney at Writing & Wanderlust
Ashley M. at Inky Wings
Ashley T. at Cheery-O
Pretty Much Anyone at Ravens And Writing Desks (excuuuuse me, there are several bloggers and the Bible says don't pick favorites)
Sarah Faulkner at Inklined
Bekah Joan at Found and Cherished
Anastasia Elizabeth at Every Stinkin' Page
Aili at Aili's Adventures
Nessima Tavariel at Arda Nessimava
And the interrogation. *eyebrow wiggle*
- Which number (1, 2, 3, etc.) is the best, based on it's personality and morals? (Example: 7 is best because of his wise and patient personality.)
- Fruit-flavored candy or chocolate?
- Under what circumstances would you jump on a shark's back?
- Would you rather grab a handful of cow poop or drink milk straight from the cow?
- Batman or Iron Man?
- Fantasy or sci-fi?
- Three years of famine, three months to be destroyed by your foes, or three days of the angel of the Lord destroying throughout all the coasts of the land?
- Favorite season?
- Is the Lochness Monster real?
- Death by fire or death by ice?
- Out of any animal, what would be your dream pet?
So there you are! I'm off to notify people. Auf Wiedersehen!
UPDATE: It seems some people are confused about the questions. You can skip number one if you don't understand it (I assumed everyone assigned personalities to numbers... when I gave the above example, Trinity walked by and said, "Seven's not wise and patient, he's a jerk. Cool, but a jerk.") Also, the seventh question is a reference to 1 Chronicles 21, when God gives King David the choice of having the three aforementioned things happen to his land as punishment for numbering the people of Israel when He told them not to.
UPDATE: It seems some people are confused about the questions. You can skip number one if you don't understand it (I assumed everyone assigned personalities to numbers... when I gave the above example, Trinity walked by and said, "Seven's not wise and patient, he's a jerk. Cool, but a jerk.") Also, the seventh question is a reference to 1 Chronicles 21, when God gives King David the choice of having the three aforementioned things happen to his land as punishment for numbering the people of Israel when He told them not to.
To God be the glory,